Monday, 12 December 2011

Developments in Ireland

An aspirant to membership of SSIM in Ireland is very keen to connect with others there who are interested in SSIM.  His message to the Master includes:

I'm struck by the Society's purposes that are both simple and worthy.  They are simple in that you ask members to reconnect with the places and people that make up the history and traditions of our faith -- the current artifacts of what we refer to as the "communion of saints."  They are worthy in that these are things that we should be doing anyway as people of faith.  In addition, there is the added bonus of doing the venerations in the context of a spiritual society where we are joined to one another in the exercise of prayer, all to the purpose of growing in grace as we go about the work of the Society.  Seems to make good sense to me.
The prospect of being (a member) of the Society in Ireland is exciting -- especially as this Irishman has his history and roots n the United States.  I now live in Ireland and am permanently settled here now for the last four years.  I think I'd enjoy the prospect of promoting membership in the Society among the Irish, especially at a time when we are challenged here to renew our relationship with the Church as we (1.) work to heal from the clerical sex abuse scandals, and (2.) move forward towards the 2012 Eucharistic Congress in June as a hoped-for occasion of prayer and grace among the faithful of the Irish church.  As far as possible pilgrimages to ancient church sites, we have an abundance of those here, thanks to the work of St. Patrick and his followers.  I've managed to discover a number of them and look forward to doing more.  

If you live in Ireland and are interested in joining in this apostolate then get in touch:

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