Saturday, 31 August 2013

The Order of Premontre

Last week one of our members, Brother Stephen Morrison, o.praem. made his Solemn Profession as a Canon Regular of Premontre.  These Cannons follow the Rule of St Augustine and that of St Norbert their founder and for that reason they are also known as Norbertines.

The Master was present as Bro Stephen made his vows for life to God, in the presence of the Rt Revd Hugh Allen, o.praem. Prior of their Canonry in Chelmsford and members of the order from Rome, the Czech Republic and Belgium. At least three other members of SSIM were also present, one assisting in choir and another serving at the altar. S Justin, our great patron, also got a mention in the Litany of the Saints, which according to a Norbertine custom is always sung standing (unlike the norm in the Roman Rite, when it is usually sung kneeling).

Please pray for Br Stephen and all of the steadily growing community at Chelmsford. We wish him well as he continues his formation for the sacred priesthood.